The Acts of the Apostles, Editorial Changes

Ch. Pg. Original Revised
3 32.1 the glad tidings of salvation. the glad news of salvation.
3 32.2 as they gathered about Him. as they gathered around Him.
3 32.3 Psalm 68:32-34, margin (Psalm 68:32-34).
4 38.3 a token that He had, a sign that He had,
4 40.2 at this wonderful manifestation, at this wondrous manifestion,
6 47.1 with humiliation and prayer with humility and prayer
5 48.1 The glad tidings of a risen Savior were carried The glad news of a risen Savior was carried
5 48.2 of divine grace were wrought. of divine grace were worked.
5 52.3 the Holy Spirit reveals the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. the Holy Spirit reveals the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
5 52.4 salvation wrought by the death of our Redeemer. salvation brought by the death of our Redeemer.
5 54.2 special tokens of divine favor. special signs of divine favor.
6 59.1 the cure had been wrought in the name the cure had been worked in the name
6 64.3 the close of that wonderful scene the close of that wondrous scene
6 66.1 Jesus and His wonderful works, Jesus and His wondrous works,
6 68.2 A “Thus saith the Lord” is not to be set aside for a “Thus saith the church” or a “Thus saith the state.” A “Thus says the Lord” is not to be set aside for a “Thus says the church” or a “Thus says the state.”
7 72.2 was visited with swift was met with swift
8 81.3 God had given them a token of His love God had given them a sign of His love
8 84.2 to proclaim glad tidings to proclaim glad news
8 84.3 “Crucify Him! crucify Him!” “Crucify Him, crucify Him!”
9 91.2 But all these classes of workers But all these groups of workers
11 104.1 witnessed Christ's wonderful works, witnessed Christ's wondrous works,
11 105.3 the glad tidings of salvation through Christ. the glad news of salvation through Christ.
11 109.1 This Ethiopian represented a large class who need This Ethiopian represented a large group of people who need
12 116.2 The learned Jew had seen the face of the martyr reflecting the light of Christ’s glory—appearing as if “it had been the face of angel.” The learned Jew had seen the face of the martyr reflecting the light of Christ’s glory—appearing as if it had been “the face of an angel.”
14 131.1 the apostle said;arise the apostle said.Arise
14 140.1 to be wrought in genuine conversions to be worked in genuine conversions
15 147.1 now dumb from amazement. now mute from amazement.
15 147.1 within and without are motionless within and outside are motionless
15 147.2 also guarded within and without, also guarded within and outside,
15 152.2 were borne to all lands was borne to all lands
16 157.1 the contumely and torture the insults and torture
16 161.1 the glad tidings of the gospel. the glad news of the gospel.
16 164.1 the glad tidings of the grace of God. the glad news of the grace of God.
17 167.2 the deputy of Cyprus the proconsul of Cyprus
17 167.2 The deputy had sent The proconsul had sent
17 168.2 were wrought by the power of God. were worked by the power of God.
17 168.2 The deputy, convinced The proconsul, convinced
17 169.1 yet he was peculiarly fitted yet he was uniquely fitted
18 178.1 secret and dangerous designs. secret and dangerous plans.
18 179.1 the malicious designs of the Jews the malicious plans of the Jews
18 180.1 Many of the inhabitants of Lystra worshiped at a temple dedicated to Jupiter. Many of the inhabitants of Lystra worshiped at a temple dedicated to Zeus.
18 180.1 superstitious belief in the worship of Jupiter. superstitious belief in the worship of Zeus.
18 181.2 Barnabas they called Jupiter, Barnabas they called Zeus,
18 181.2 Paul they believe to be Mercury, Paul they believed to be Hermes,
18 181.3 prevailed upon the priest of Jupiter to do the apostles honor, prevailed upon the priest of Zeus to do the apostles honor,
18 182.2 The record says that they were “scarce restrained.” The record says that “they could scarcely restrain the multitudes.”
18 185.1 the glad tidings of the gospel the glad news of the gospel
18 187.1 Pamphylia, “and when they had preached the word in Perga, they went down into Attalia, and then sailed to Antioch.” Pamphylia, and “when they had preached the word in Perga they went down to Attalia. From there they sailed to Antioch.”
20 205.4 the regions round about the surrounding regions
20 207.2 the glad tidings of salvation. the glad news of salvation.
20 209.1 the glad tidings of salvation allowed the glad news of salvation allowed
21 216.3 and with peculiar force and with unusual force
22 221.1 One who had wrought their deliverance. One who had brought about their deliverance.
22 222.1 to be wrought out through Christ. to be worked out through Christ.
22 228.1 of his wonderful experience of his wondrous experience
23 235.1 Soon a crowd of listeners gathered about them. Soon a crowd of listeners gathered around them.
23 235.2 all classes with convincing arguments all groups of people with convincing arguments
23 236.3 and the tumult of promiscuous discussion, and the tumult of indiscriminate discussion,
23 239.1 repentance unto salvation repentance leading to salvation
23 240.1 become wise unto salvation; become wise to salvation;
23 242.1 their confidence firm unto the end, their confidence firm to the end,
24 245.3 had been wrought in his life, had been made in his life,
24 246.1 in all classes. in all groups of people.
24 249.2 affirmed that the wonderful works affirmed that the wondrous works
27 285.1 In token of this change As a sign of this change
28 294.1 having done him much evil. 2 Timothy 4:14. having done him much harm (2 Timothy 4:14).
29 303.1 of all classes, of all groups of people,
29 307.1 and ever watching unto prayer. and ever watching in prayer.
30 319.1 the deepest humiliation the deepest humility
30 319.2 Charity “doth not behave rudely, Love “does not behave rudely,
31 323.1 “The care His “deep concern
31 333.2 Live, sinner, live! Ye penitent, believing souls, live! Live, sinner, live! You penitent, believing souls, live!
32 337.2 glad tidings of salvation glad news of salvation
33 347.2 burdensome” to them, made demands” on them,
33 347.3 It was of this class that he It was of this group that he
35 381.1 to be done for classes of people to be done for groups of people
35 381.2 will proclaim the wonderful power will proclaim the wondrous power
36 384.2 “O foolish Galatians,” he exclaimed,who “O foolish Galatians!" he exclaimed. "Who
38 400.1 to throw about workers to throw around workers
38 407.3 Roman captain Roman commander
38 408.1 he said to the chief captain, he said to the commander,
38 409.1 even unto death even to death
38 414.1 compared Ananias to a whited sepulcher compared Ananias to a whitewashed sepulcher
38 415.3 a letter with which he had been entrusted by the chief captain: a letter with which he had been entrusted by the commander:
38 418.1 the pulseless breast the pulseless chest
39 422.1 To let him have liberty,” and to “forbid none to let him have liberty,” and “not to forbid
40 428.1 He stated that “he himself would depart shortly” for Caesarea. He stated that “he himself was going” to Caesarea “shortly.”
40 429.2 stood about and laid many stood around and laid many
41 436.3 broken the bands of death, broken the bonds of death,
41 436.3 showing all classes showing all people
41 437.2 of his wonderful experiences. of his wondrous experiences.
42 445.2 The shipwrecked crew were kindly received by the barbarous people of Melita. The shipwrecked crew were kindly received by the barbarous people of Malta.
42 446.1 During the three months that the ship’s company remained at Melita, During the three months that the ship’s company remained at Malta,
43 447.1 had wintered at Melita on her way westward, had wintered at Malta on her way westward,
46 485.1 captain of the imperial commander of the imperial
46 487.2 of a class whom of a group of people whom
49 504.1 He who has blunted his spiritual perceptions by sinful leniency toward those whom God condemns, will erelong commit a greater sin He who has blunted his spiritual perceptions by sinful leniency toward those whom God condemns will soon commit a greater sin
49 506.3 to make full proof of his ministry by employing every means within his reach to fulfill his ministry by employing every means within his reach
50 509.2 and erelong fearlessly sealed their faith with their blood. and before long fearlessly sealed their faith with their blood.
50 510.1 carrying about in the body carrying around in the body
51 520.2 the wonderful experience the wondrous experience
51 527.2 and he himself is instructed and enlightened in the truth that maketh wise unto salvation. and he himself is instructed and enlightened in the truth that makes wise to salvation.
52 532.1 who in humiliation and contrition who in humility and contrition
53 539.2 the tidings that Christ the news that Christ
54 546.1 gave him access to all classes. gave him access to all groups of people
54 549.1 and most surely retards the progress and most surely impedes the progress
54 554.3 “You must have charity,” is the cry heard everywhere, “You must have love” is the cry heard everywhere,
54 554.3 But true charity is too pure But true love is too pure
54 554.3 We are not to unite with the rebellious and call this charity. We are not to unite with the rebellious and call this love.
54 555.1 that this is not inconsistent with true charity. that this is not inconsistent with true love.
54 556.1 through his own experience, to “set to his seal that God is true.” through his own experience, to certify “that God is true
55 564.2 that wonderful building that wondrous building
56 570.4 the messages given him on that barren coast were to go forth as a lamp that burneth, the messages given him on that barren coast were to go forth as a lamp that burns.
56 574.2 lesson of wonderful strength lesson of wondrous strength
57 578.3 carry the glad tidings of salvation carry the glad news of salvation
57 580.1 Some forgot the wonderful manner Some forgot the wondrous manner
57 581.2 give him a wonderful revelation give him a wondrous revelation
58 599.1 material that will stand the test of fire—gold, silver, and precious stones, “polished after the similitude of a palace.” material that will stand the test of fire—gold, silver, and precious stones, polished “in palace style.”
58 601.1 Although at times apparently retarded, Although at times apparently impeded,
58 601.1 its progress had never been checked. its progress had never been stopped.